6/13 - McKenna, Malia and I decided to break out of our normal day-to-day routine and took Mardell lunch. Instead of unloading the girls and the stroller from the vehicle, putting them in the stroller, pushing them out of the parking garage {while trying to carry the food} and into Calvin Hall, Mardell met us outside and we ate in the vehicle while driving around campus. I love days when we're able to do a little more brainwashing on these girls of ours - here's to our future wildcats! <3
6/14 - Lazy day :)
6/15 - TUMMY TIME TUMMY TIME TUMMY TIME!!!! Malia and McKenna spent most of the day on the floor playing on their mat. They are finally starting to enjoy it more so when they weren't eating we were listening to music and watching the pretty lights! {I didn't actually get a picture of them doing "tummy time".. but here they are on their mat}
6/16 - I had a conference to go to all day so Nana came to town to watch the girls. Mardell and I carpooled to campus at 8:00 and I was shocked at the fact that I didn't cry leaving the girls. I have ran errands and been gone for short periods of time before but I figured an all day thing would be too much. At lunch we decided to go home - big mistake! Cue the tears! It was VERY hard to leave again. Luckily the girls were in good hands! I'm not sure who enjoyed the day more, we came home that evening to three very happy people!
Soon after we made it back home we had our first Parents as Teachers visit. It was great to get new ideas of things to do with the girls!
Great Grandma and Grandpa Whitesell made a surprise visit to see the girls in the afternoon. Both girls were tired and in need of a nap and Great Grandma had the magic touch. Once she had one girl asleep I quickly handed her the other and before they left I had two napping daughters. I can count on one hand the number of times I successfully had them both napping at once. Before they left I invited them back for daily visits... they just laughed :)

Since the girls have been doing AWESOME at holding their heads up we decided to test out their bumbos. They are still a little small for them but did great holding their heads up and were able to stay in them for about 10 minutes. I think Mardell and I had more fun just trying out a new toy!
6/18 - McKenna is 2 MONTHS!!!!
Since Mardell wasn't going to be around I decided to load up the girls and we made their first trip to Blue Rapids to visit Aunt Dava and Cousins Charlie & Emma. While we were in town we took pictures and made our Father's Day gifts {Father's Day Gift post}. Charlie loved getting to see HIS cousins {he will tell you that they are NOT Emma's cousins, they are HIS} and I had a blast getting to spend the day with my sister. One of the highlights from the day: CASEY'S PIZZA {Best. Pizza. EVER.}! The girls were great on the way to B.R. and I ONLY had to stop 4 times on the way back to put binkies back in their mouths :) I was so excited about Mardell's gift when we made it back home that he got it a day early {I'm horrible about waiting to give gifts}.
Other Updates: Our house is full of SMILES! McKenna loves to smile - ALL THE TIME - but we get the biggest smiles around 5:00 a.m. when we're trying to get her back to sleep! Malia smiles the most after she finishes a bottle and is drifting off into dream land! Both girls are still super babies at tummy time and holding their heads up. They are also starting to talk more and I can't help but smile at their adorable little noises! Two babies really is twice as much fun :)
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