Off to church we go... and this time only 10 minutes late. Still not on time but we're making progress. Both girls were good throughout church and we enjoyed a great service :). After church we took the girls with us for a quick lunch at Old Chicago and then they made their first trip to the mall. After returning from the mall Kevin and Janet came over to formally meet Malia and McKenna.
5/23 - I enjoyed another lazy day at home with the girls while Mardell was at work. In the evening we decided to get out and enjoy the nice weather with Malia, McKenna, Mya and Ellie. I still am not sure how much the girls like walks since they seem to sleep the entire time but Mya and Ellie sure do LOVE them!
5/24 - Stormy Day! Even though Mardell thinks I am ridiculous I love storms and tend to get a little too excited. It would appear that I hate storms since the minute we are in a watch I run around like crazy getting things ready... but I think that's part of the fun. While the babies were enjoying tummy time I got everything ready under the stairs just in case we needed to take cover. While my husband may laugh at me, he always seems to appreciate my preparations when we actually have to use them. Luckily all we had was a really good thunder storm but since I was the only one home I wasn't able to go out on the porch to fully enjoy it :)
5/25 - Nana and Charlie came to town to get their hair cut. We met them at the salon and cousin Charlie showed the girls how to behave while getting his hair cut. While it was Nana's turn he was a big help watching the girls. He let me know when they would make noises, move, or were just sleeping. When we left the salon Jake and Lesley were in town and stopped by to meet McKenna and Malia. It was great catching up!
After Jake and Lesley left we all piled into our vehicle and ran errands around town. The best stop was probably at Menards where Charlie enjoyed playing on the playground and riding around in the car shopping cart!
5/26 - The early bird gets the worm... or in our case amazing pictures! A friend of a friend was wanting to get baby pictures and since we happen to have a couple of those we were able to meet up. We had tried to meet up last week but both days were rained out so even though it was a bit cold we decided not to risk putting it off any longer. After about an hour the girls were both fussy and cold and we left feeling like we had wasted an hour of this girls life. However she is truly an amazing photographer because she was able to turn what we thought was a waste into something pretty great!

After Mardell got off of work we loaded up the girls and hit to road for a trip to Waterville. On our drive up McKenna and Malia "saw" their first deer {even though Mardell pointed out they did not actually SEE them I still thought it was worth documenting!} Mardell was planning on attending the NASCAR races and all of the men were getting together to plan their adventure. While the men "planned" mom, Dava and I took all of the kiddos on a walk. We first stopped by the community center to visit Great Grandma Lydia at her card party. After saying hello to everyone there we went up by the park and ran into a bunch of great Watervillians. While we were chatting away we got a call from the guys back home that the girls had more visitors at the house. Neighbor Dave, Dana, Izzie & Kalleigh had come over and Izzie was VERY excited to see the babies. Izzie could not wait to hold the girls and even passed up eating cookies so that she could hold them right away. When it came time to give Malia and McKenna their bottles she was even able to help!
5/27 - Marvin & Daphne came to town to do a little shopping and stopped by to see the girls. After they left to go run their errands Mardell and I took the girls out to do our own shopping. I was on the hunt for picture frames so that I could get started on one of my projects for the nursery {post to follow}. Grand-D & Grandpa Marvin spoiled Mardell and I with dinner from Olive Garden before they left town.
5/28 - Since this post is long enough here is a snapshot of today: I got to sleep in until 10:30 {THANKS MARDELL!}. Marvin & Daphne stopped by shortly. We ran errands {Target, Pet Co, Bed Bath Beyond, Wal-Mart, Blueville Nursery}. Finished the evening on a walk with pups.
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