After church cousins Charlie and Emma came by to meet Malia and McKenna. The first thing Charlie said when he walked in the door was, "I want to hold them!" Papa Dave helped while Charlie took turns holding both girls. Mardell and I had not seen Emma or Charlie for over a month and it was amazing how much they both had grown. Baby Emma is getting SO big - well at least next to her cousins she looked BIG! :)
Around noon we left our house to go celebrate cousin Zach's first birthday. It was great getting to watch him play with his cake and open his gifts. Great Grandma and Grandpa Whitesell gave him a ball pit that was a huge hit. It only took him about two minutes to learn how to throw the balls OUT of the pit! Before we left we made sure to get a picture of Malia and McKenna with Great Grandma and Grandpa Whitesell since I forgot to get one at the hospital.
5/16 - Just another Lazy Day while Mardell was at work.
Dr Appt #2: The little ladies had their one month appointment. Both girls are GROWING and doing well. Malia was 6 lb 11 oz and McKenna was 7 lb 9 oz.
5/19 - After lounging around the house all day I took the girls with me to Junction City to meet my class after their 5th Grade Promotion. McKenna and Malia hid in Graham's classroom during the promotion and after it was over my students were finally able to meet them. My students were looking forward to meeting the girls throughout the entire year and called several times while I was on bed rest to check on me. Before we left the school we had to make sure to get pictures with Aunt Jenn and Ressa.
5/20 - While Mardell was at work we girls just hung out around the house and played dress up. I decided that in order to wear all of their clothes it would take several outfits each day so we sent these pictures to show Mardell what he was missing out on!

5/21 - Great Aunt Rhonda and cousin Sienna were in Waterville so they came to town with Great Grandma Lydia to see Malia and McKenna. Sienna is usually a very chatty girl but she wasn't sure about the babies when they first got here. Nana, Aunt Dava and cousin Emma also came by. It was really neat getting to see all of the next generation of Lindquist girls together - we even got Sienna to hold McKenna before the left!
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