Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Week: 7/3 - 7/9

7/3 - Off to Waterville we go. All of the family was getting together to watch the fireworks and it was the first time the girls would get to see Mindy, Mike and their Great Aunt Heather. We made it up in time to eat dinner with the family and light off some of our own fireworks before the Waterville show began. Malia and McKenna stayed with Nana while the rest of us went down to the ball fields. After the show Mardell and I had a great time hanging out with Mindy, Mike and my parents. It was great getting a little adult time and catching up while the babies were asleep!

7/4 - Happy 4th of July! After Mardell and I put the girls to sleep we headed outside to watch the fireworks from our front porch.... but that didn't last long. Our friendly frogs have returned and I am not a fan! Since I still wanted to watch the show but didn't want to be near the 20+ frogs hopping around the neighborhood I got creative and pulled our vehicle out of the garage. We opened the back end, reclined the back seats, loaded up the pups and had a great view of the Manhattan show as well as all of the fireworks being shot off in the neighborhood. {Don't think we forgot about the girls, we had the monitor hooked up in the car! :)}

7/5 - McKenna and Malia had a very busy day! Charli stopped by in the morning to catch up and see the girls. I enjoyed getting to have some adult time and hearing about all of the exciting events going on in Charli's life. After Charli left we had more visitors: Nana, Dava, Charlie and Emma dropped in to say "hello." Charlie and
Emma had a doctors appointment in Manhattan so before they left town they stopped to check in on how their cousins were doing. I can't wait until the girls are older and get excited to play with their cousins... for now they just get lots of cousin Charlie talking to them or holding them. After Mardell got home from work we loaded up the girls for their first trip to Orange Leaf. YUM! Thank you Stephanie for inviting us out, it was great to meet up!

7/6 - The girls and I had a relaxing day around the house which was much needed after the busy day we had the day before.

7/7 - Mardell decided it was time to clean and purge of the things we have had in our basement and not used for 2+ years so Nana came over in the afternoon so that I could begin sorting a pricing things for our garage sale. Oh the places spiders hide... Nana only had to come to my rescue 3 or 4 times {eventually she just pulled everything out so that I would stop calling her to my aid}. I was very proud of how much I was able to get done and surprised at how much we actually had to get rid of. As much as I hated the spiders in the basement the heat outside was horrible. I put off going out as much as possible and priced a lot of things inside. Mardell helped me move everything outside and start setting up the tables when he got home from work. I was glad that I was able to sort things before he got home or else EVERYTHING would have went :)

Up to this point the girls have shared a crib every night but they have become more active in their sleep and occasionally wake each other up. Mardell and I decided it was time that they finally go to their own cribs... which of course got me all emotional {ridiculous, I know}, but neither of them seemed to even notice!

7/8 - Since I still had a lot to do in order to have everything ready for the garage sale Gma Daphne came by to spend the afternoon with the little ladies. With Mardell's help we were able to get everything priced and outside.

7/9 - GARAGE SALE! McKenna and Malia woke up at 4 to eat and by the time we got them back to sleep it was time for us to set up for the garage sale. While pulling things out of the garage and setting up the tables we had our first customer at 5:15 a.m. Not sure why anyone was out and about looking for garage sales that early, but at least we made some money {and got rid of some of our junk}. We had a steady flow of people all day and luckily we packed everything back up before it got too hot out. The girls spent most of the morning outside with us and were a huge hit with just about everyone who came by. Luckily the girls took a great nap in the afternoon and I was able to crash!

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