The babies had quite the adventure the first five days of their lives. Since the babies were small the doctors wanted them to stay a few extra days.
April 18 - the beginning - they were able to meet Nana and Papa Dave first thing in the morning. Since Papa was going out of town for a few days they came early to come meet their newest grandchildren. Grandpa Marvin came up a few hours later to visit the babies in the nursery. Later in the evening Nana came back with Aunt Dava and Great Grandma Lydia. We were able to get a lot of loving from the family.
<~ Malia's hearing screen
Day Two - April 19 - the girls were given their hearing tests. Monitors were tracking the babies brain to see if they were able to pick up the sounds. Both babies passed and Mardell got the clever idea to frame their certificates for the future in case I happened to pass along my selective hearing. When the ignoring phase begins we have proof that they can hear us! Later in the afternoon Nana Jana and Grandma Daphne came by to visit us.
McKenna's hearing screen~> 
On April 20 - our third day - the babies had to take a car seat test. Since they are so tiny they had to be strapped into their seats for an hour with monitors checking to make sure they could breath. Both babies passed and looked adorable in their seats! Grandma Daphne and Grandpa Marvin came in the evening for another quick visit.
April 21 - Day Four - The girls were still so small that the doctors wanted them to stay one more night to be monitored. We got to spend all day loving on the girls in our room. In the evening the little ladies got bath number two. I'm not sure they loved the water, but they LOVED laying under the heater after! If only we had one of those at home...
Day Five - April 22 - We woke up thinking that this might be the day we would get to go home but when the doctor checked Malia and McKenna out he noticed McKenna looked a little jaundice. After taking her blood we found out she would get to spend the day under the lights. She is just like her daddy and loves heat... every time we went to see her she was stretched out happy as could be. Malia spent the day hanging out with mommy and daddy. The girls didn't seem to notice that they weren't together but loved getting to snuggle up to each other after every feeding (every 3 hours).
Our sixth day - April 23 - Malia and McKenna got their check-up with the doctor and everything looked good. Malia was slowly gaining weight and McKenna had remained about the same. Even though both babies were under 5 lbs they were both doing well and we were told we could finally go home! Around 11:00 we signed all of the release papers and loaded up the car.
A big thanks to the staff at Mercy - they helped take great care of our little girls
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